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Link between Ho'oponopono and the Law of Attraction

Another often asked question concerns the possible link between the Law of Attraction and Ho'oponopono and the compatibility that there may or may not be between the two methods.

What is the Law of Attraction?

As its name suggests, it is a Universal law that tells us that we attract to us what we think about, or anything that vibrates at the same frequency as ours.

So if I'm sad I attract sad people and situations, if I'm angry, I attract people and situations that will allow me to stay angry or be even more angry or justify it etc. ...


Why stop there you tell me? It's great, if I want to be happy I just have to watch a funny movie, if I want to be rich I just have to think that I'm under a rain of banknotes...

It's a bit too easy, don't you think?

It is not enough to compel ourselves daily to produce good intentions for all our problems to dissolve.

For what ?

Because it is a construction of the mind and more particularly of the ego and the ego is lined with memories. And there are floor to ceiling. You can be positive as long as you want your memories constantly spinning in your subconscious and if there is one who wants to have financial problems, well you will have financial problems.

And this is where the Law of Attraction works wonders! You constantly attract financial problems because you have a memory that likes it, and you can do whatever you want, as long as that memory remains you will continue to have problems. The solution is to erase the memory(s) and now you know how to do that.

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