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Zero limit: initiation to awakening

by the Spirits of Ho'oponopono

The Spirits of Ho'oponopono

If the book by Dr. Hew Len and Joe Vitale is called "Ho'oponopono - Zero Limit", it is not without reason.

Ho'oponopono is not just a New Age gadget or wellness enhancement tool. Erasing our memories one by one inevitably leads us to awakening, to exiting the dream. This is the state of Zero Limit. This state where all our memories have been replaced by love. Our connection with our Aumakua and with the divine is made without any parasite, all the beings we meet are real beings, that is to say that we no longer project our memories on them, they appear to us as they really are, divine beings, just like us.

To do this, there is no need to deleteallour memories, only a majority. Beyond a "certain" threshold, a shift takes place and we are invaded by light.

But before that, we must realize that we are 100% responsible for everything that happens to us because everything that happens outside of us is an exact reflection of what is inside us. Our body is the universe. If it is not given to us to cleanse the universe directly, we can do it by cleaning our body. To cleanse our body we need to purify our mind by erasing memories.

Everything is Love, in us and around us. If we don't see it, it's because it's masked by our memories. By erasing one by one all our memories we will discover the world as it really is.

The main memory, let's call it the "root memory", is the separation memory. What separation is this? Well, separation from the divine, which can also be called the big bang. It is about the idea, false, according to which we are separated from God. This false idea allows us despite everything, and this is its raison d'être, to experience what we are not, of non-Love. And the purpose of life is to discover that this idea is false in order to reconnect us to the divine which is therefore not separate from us but simply masked, forgotten. The memory of separation is erased like any other memory, giving it Love, but its imprint is so strong in us that its effects continue to be felt long after it is erased. In fact, we resist its erasure, as long as possible in order to keep ourselves in the shadows, in non-Love. It is therefore desirable to also erase all the memories which oppose the erasure of the root memory. As we erase our memories, our daily lives become lighter. The seriousness of the problems encountered decreases as well as their frequency. It is at this point that we should not relax our efforts but on the contrary continuously erase, day and night, each memory that presents itself to us, negative or positive, important or secondary, until we reach the state of "zero limit" as Dr. Hew Len calls it. It can also be called enlightenment. Still according to him, it takes several lives of cleaning to reach this state but it is however possible to reach it in this life. The secret has been given to us by the Pono Spirit; it is to stop looking for it, to live fully all that life gives us and to erase all that is unpleasant to us.
As such, it is fundamental to be attentive to our body in order to detect the slightest tension, a sign of the presence of a memory that we must erase. You will find later in the site exercises on the body, given by the Pono Spirit, in order to cleanse both the physical body but also the non-physical bodies (the pain body, the energy body, the emotional body, the sensitive body, the mental body) and of course the inner child.

The articles you will find here are intended to shed light on my remarks through my own journey. They come from the texts channeled and published by my friend Riad Zein and can be read on his Facebook page.

To date, the spirits are six in number. These are chronologically the Pono Spirit, the Sol Spirit, the Mogahama Spirit, the Morne Spirit, the Gitta Spirit and the Algarime Spirit.

I will therefore publish most of these texts here, making them accessible to as many people as possible. It is therefore a work of popularizationbecause the messages received and published by Riad require a good knowledge of spirituality to be well understood.

This work was asked of me by the Sol Spirit during an interview channeled by Riad.

That's it for the presentation, now let's move on to interviews with the Pono Spirit.

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