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Morrnah's 12-Step Protocol


Morrnah Simeona is the Hawaiian shaman who updated the practice of Ho'oponopono.

In ancient times, the method was intended to solve problems between two families of the same clan. It was a group work carried out in front of the whole village and during which the people involved gave their point of view on the conflicting situation encountered. The two parties gave their version and then the neutral people spoke in order to make everyone listen to reason and obtain a consensus. The spirits were also solicited. The shaman questioned them and made their answer public. These discussions would frequently go on all night, and sometimes longer, until the two sides had reached an agreement that everyone was happy with.

Morrnah Simeona's job was to make her work individual so that it was more compatible with the modern lifestyle of the 1970s. She obviously helped make it accessible to as many people as possible.

Dr. Hew Len is a student of Morrnah Simeona. It was he who popularized Ho'oponopono thanks to Joe Vitale's book "Zero Limit". The part of the book that caused the most noise is the one in which it is explained how, in four years of activity in the psychiatric part of the prison in Hawaii, Dr. Hew Len proceeded to treat patients without ever meeting them. Only by working on him, in conscience, and by erasing from him the memories which had created the pathologies, he initially improved the living and working conditions in the asylum, to the point that it closed for lack of patients! This information is unfortunately not verifiable. But Joe Vitale shares his investigations in the second volume of Zéro Limite, which I invite you, of course, to read.

If I mention all this here, it is first to show the extent and power of Ho'oponopono but also to introduce a tool that Dr. Hew Len gave during the seminars he organized around the world: Morrnah Simeona's 12-Step Prayer or Protocol.

I believe this is the tool used by Hew Len to clear the prison asylum.

It takes of course the 4 phases of Ho'oponopono (I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you) by developing them but it is above all extremely powerful. However, its use requires a little calm and time (about 20 to 30 minutes).

Here is the complete text, translated into French, as given to me.



  1. INTIMATE CONNECTION (with your Uhane, mother, spirit, consciousness)


Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Child, all in one:


Oh my child (Unihipili), forgive me for all my errors in thought, words, deeds and actions which I have accumulated and submitted to you for eons. As a Mother, today (conscious mind) I forgive you for all your mistakes, fears, resentments, insecurities, guilt and frustrations.


Come take my hand and respectfully ask the Father, our Aumakua, to join us and hold our hands. As a unit of two, please ask the Father to join us so that we are now a unit of three.


May love flow from me to you and from us to the Father. May the divine Father embrace us in The circle of his divine love.


2°) FOR I AM THE PEACE OF "I" (Unihipili, the subconscious, the child)


I AM A CHILD OF GOD, I let the Love and Divine Intelligence in me and through me express itself through my personal and universal affairs through balance, perfect ideas, perfect relationships, a perfect environment at perfect timing.


I am and always will be in the right place at the right time for my personal growth, my personal successes, my happiness, and I will allow myself to use my talents fully in this life for my good and that of others.


The right conditions, the right relationships, the right ideas for a constructive future, so that it happens in total acceptance, in enthusiasm, faith and humility of spirit for my DIVINE CREATOR, FATHER AND UNIQUENESS OF ALL LIFE, my ALPHA and my OMEGA, I know, I fully understand and I experience the fulfillment of a life because I deserve the water of Life to sustain me now and always.





Step 1: Inhale (divine energy) to activate every cell, tissue, blood vessel, muscle, bone, and atom of the entire body. (count 7 beats)


Step 2: Hold the breath lungs full (count 7 beats) to allow the body to rest momentarily, thereby slowing down the body's chemistry and metabolism ... to regenerate cells, etc., and above all, to avoid the system The "shock" of the exchange between two powerful forces (Inhale / exhale).


Step 3: Exhale: clearing impurities, poisons and system blockages (count 7 beats).


Step 4: Hold the breath with empty lungs (count 7 beats).


The process requires seven rounds. The “ha” process is a method of accumulating Mana or essential energy, which is sent to the Unihipili (subconscious) where it is stored or used, according to the need of the moment. If healing or treatment is needed, then the Uhane (conscious) sends the request to the Unihipili (subconscious) which in turn gathers the energy or Mana and necessary ingredients, colors, feelings to memory banks, etc., and joins forces with the Uhane (conscious). The Aumakua (supraconscious) has access to all the forces of the Cosmos.


The return of energies or Mana will be the result of "praying" or "requesting"


The "HA" process, or Divine Breathing, is the preparation for doing the Ho' oponopono, meditation, consultation, healing and introspection.


It is important to breathe for yourself first!







I come from the void to the light,

I am the breath that nourishes life,

I am The void, The nothingness beyond all consciousness,

The "I" the me the whole.

I stretch my rainbow above the waters

The invisible and untouchable breath

The indefinable atom of creation




Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Child all in One


If I, ................................................, my family, my parents and ancestors, have offended you in thought, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation until today, please forgive us.


Cleans, purifies, detaches, cuts and slices all these negative energies and vibrations that we have created, accumulated and/or accepted to welcome since the beginning of our creation until today.


Please transmute those negative energies we no longer want into PURE LIGHT. WE ARE FREE AND IT IS!





DIVINE CREATOR, Father, Mother, Child, all in ONE,


Me, my family, my parents and ancestors, want to do Ho'oponopono with ........................................... including all my fears,

errors, resentments, guilt, anger, violence, and attachments towards humans and particularly the memory(s) linked to the problem mentioned above.

We desire to do Ho'oponopono with those we have adopted, guardians, substitute parents, biological parents, mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandfather, great-grandmothers and all our ancestors from the first line of conception until today.


We also include abortions, miscarriages in our family and ancestors and anyone related to (name the situation or people).


We also include hospitals, hospital staff, rituals performed, all officials involved in abortions, stillbirths, miscarriages, suicides, infanticides, abuse and all places where the events took place.


We include places..........................................., past lives.............., people in my family who contribute to the cause of my worries and especially ..................................and grounded spirits and/or included negative vibrations, on or around them, or deceased people (known or about to leave) who are still grounded.

We humbly ask forgiveness for them and ask that they be cleansed, purified and cleared into the path of PURE LIGHT. They will no longer be grounded. We release them towards the path of LIGHT and they also release us. Us, including places, people, families, parents and ancestors, objects, rituals, transactions, atoms and molecules.


Cleanses, purifies, detaches, cuts and slices all negative memories and those that I no longer want, the blockages and energies that I have created, accumulated and accepted from the beginning of my creation until today. Transmute all those unwanted energies into PURE LIGHT.







We mentally bathe in a shower from head to toe in the colors of indigo light (7 times) Emerald green (7 times), Ice blue (7 times) and white (7 times)




May Divine Intelligence approve of the clearing and transmutation of all toxins and negative vibrations into DIVINE LIGHT. May Divine Intelligence manifest harmony, love, wisdom, order, balance, just and perfect relationships, ideas, sources of wealth, food and energy. We humbly ask to be surrounded by a golden circle. WE ARE FREE AND IT IS!






May peace be with you

All my peace

Peace of "I"

The peace of I am

Peace forever, now

And forever and again

My peace I give to you

My peace I leave it to you

Not world peace

But only my peace

The peace of the "I".






A Inhale divine energy (7 beats)

B Hold the breath with full lungs (7 beats)

C Exhale (7 beats)

D Hold the breath with empty lungs (7 beats)


x7 times


The process gives the body the energy nourishment it needs.




We thank the divine Creator, our inner family - the Father, the Mother and the Child -, the Divine Forces of the whole universe, the Divine Forces of the minerals, plants and the animal kingdom. The Foundation of the "I", the Freedom of the Cosmos and all the Aumakuas (Father/spirit), Uhanes (conscious/mother) and Unihipilis (unconscious/child) who have been brought into the path of LIGHT. We also include animate and inanimate things, such as money, coins and all media of exchange, documents, letters, equipment and objects; the sounds of speech, thoughts, deeds and actions; even a microscopic cell or dust particle that would have participated in this or been included in the process.


We thank the Spirits/Aumakuas of Rhythm. the peace. Freedom and Balance; the patroness of freedom. the spirit/aumakua of the United States, of France, King Kamehameha, the Aumakua/Spirit of Hawaii:, the Spirits/Aumakua of all nations (see list) the spirits/aumakuas of the world, the universe and the cosmos.


May the “I” endlessly bless all involved in the Ho'oponopono process.



How to use this protocol

It is appropriate to concentrate on the problem to be treated, then to start the reading of the prayers. Respect the instructions for breathing Ha, it is a fundamental element.

The prayer is individualized in its chapter 5: mention your name and your first name in the space provided by the dotted lines.

Likewise, in its chapter 6, you will have to summarize the problem to be treated at the location provided by the dotted lines.

I wish you excellent work and I sincerely hope that this protocol will be as useful and indispensable to you as it has been for me.

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